Selecting Your Classes

We strongly encourage you to take the time to consult with your advisor each semester as you consider your plan for registration. In some cases, your advisor may be able to suggest creative solutions to scheduling, financial, or academic challenges. On other occasions, your advisor will be able to communicate information regarding prerequisites and course sequencing that will help you complete your program effectively.

Some general recommendations to consider:

  • MF501 (for non-MAC/MFT students) and BT501/502 are considered gateway courses for most programs.
  • BT501/502 should be taken prior to or concurrent with the BL courses (BL501-503).
  • BL courses should be taken prior to the TH series (TH501-503).
  • The TH series should be taken in order (TH501, TH502, TH503).

Some courses have prerequisites that are noted on the course schedule and listed in the academic catalog. Students may not register for a class that has prerequisites unless all prerequisite classes have been completed.

The course schedule for the upcoming semester is published up to one month prior to the open registration period for that semester. In some cases, course schedules for future semesters may be available further in advance. All course schedules are subject to change at any time.

Class Schedules