Jordan Scheetz, PhD

- Portland Campus, Bueermann Hall
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"I consider it a privilege to play a part in training people for a lifetime of ministry, wherever this may lead. This is especially meaningful at Western, the place where I received this same foundational training."
Degrees Earned
PhD in Old Testament
University of Vienna, Protestant Theological Faculty
MA in Exegetical Theology
Western Seminary
BS in Biblical Education
Multnomah University
Current Ministry Involvement
Eastgate Bible Chapel / Portland, OR
A Defining Moment
"In the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school, I was confronted with the death of a friend and the death my grandfather—within days of each other. One of the funerals spoke of the hope of eternal life through faith in Jesus, a message I had heard at Good Shepherd Community Church and Eagle Fern Camp for years. Within these same few days, my karate teacher had invited me to a youth group where he was speaking. Although I did not respond to the altar call where the same hope of eternal life through faith in Jesus was spoken of, I did respond in the quietness of my own home, by myself, just a few days later in a simple prayer of trust and submission to Jesus. From that day to now, the goal has been the same, to follow Jesus in trust and submission, wherever he may lead."
Selected Publications
The Concept of Canonical Intertextuality and the Book of Daniel. Cambridge: James Clarke and Co., 2012.
“Canonical Approaches, New Trajectories, and the Book of Daniel.” Jurnal teologic 13/1 (2014): 81-110.
“Canon-Conscious Interpretation: Genesis 22, the Masoretic Text, and Targum Onkelos.” Old Testament Essays 27/1 (2014): 263-284.
“Christian Preaching and the Old Testament.” In Not Weary of Well Doing: Essays in Honor of Cecil W. Stalnaker, edited by Thomas J. Marinello and H. H. Drake Williams III, 77-99. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2013.
“Ancient Witnesses, Canonical Theories, and Canonical Intertextuality.” In Formen des Kanons: Studien zu Ausprägungen des Biblischen Kanons von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, edited by Thomas Hieke, 12-39. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2013.
“The Books of the Bibles in Early Christianity.” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 68/1 (2012), Art. #1049, 8 pages.
“Daniel’s Position in the Tanach, the LXX-Vulgate, and the Protestant Canon.” Old Testament Essays 23/1 (2010): 178-193.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Access Jordan Scheetz's work and ministry experience, as well as his history in publication: