
Dr. Charles Conniry Infuses Western Seminary Faculty With Fresh Purpose

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


The vision and heart of a leader are critical to any mission-driven organization, and Western Seminary has the gospel at the center of its mission. All this means that the faculty and students will find much to appreciate with the arrival of new Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Charles Conniry.

Take, for instance, Dr. Conniry’s view of seminary training:

"Theological education, rightly conceived, is discipleship, which attends as much to the deepening of a person's love for God and devotion to Scripture as it does to the formation of one's ministry gifts, emotional health, and knowledge base. Our goal is to send out graduates who serve as role models of gospel-centered transformation—leaders who, themselves transformed by the love of Jesus Christ, are able to extend the gospel's transforming power to the church and world."

Dr. Conniry comes to Western with a wealth of experience, both in Christian higher education as well as in pastoral ministry. He's invested 25 years in a variety of instructional and administrative roles at schools along the West Coast, from mentoring to directing programs, to leading faculty teams as Academic Dean. All this time invested in learning is informed by his years of pastoral ministry and church planting. He is an embodiment of Western's commitment for students to learn from professors who double as ministry practitioners.

Though his own commitment to the Lord and his Great Commission purposes are just as crucial as his background. He explains, “I am excited to serve at Western Seminary because it has remained faithful to its theological commitments and its focus on equipping men and women for Kingdom work for over 90 years. For me, coming to Western is coming home.”

Western students will find Dr. Conniry at home on the Portland campus in Fall 2018.



  • Contact Dr. Charles Conniry at 503.517.1876 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Western Seminary is an accredited graduate school founded in 1927. It offers trustworthy and accessible training for gospel-centered transformation at both the graduate credit and personal enrichment levels for those currently serving, or aspiring to serve, in key ministry leadership roles. The Western system consists of four campuses (Portland, OR; San Jose and Sacramento, CA; and Online) and a teaching site (Seattle, WA) that together serve approximately 950 credit students annually.