Recommended Reads
Below are some recently published books from the Western family.
Alex Early (Doctor of Intercultural Studies Student)
Sometimes the bigger something is, the easier it is to forget. You may have heard all your life that God is love, but has the truth of that statement really sunk in? Whether you grew up as a Christian and have forgotten this essential truth, or if you're hearing it for the first time, you need to be reminded--and assured--of the simple, amazing, mind-blowing fact that God loves us. Read an interview with Alex on Transformed Blog.
Dr. John Bradley (Alumnus) and Dr. Don Wiggins
A Practical Theology of Assessment: Discoveries from 25 years of Assessing Ministry Candidates
If you are screening or educating future ministry leaders, this book discusses the God-given aptitudes, innate talent, spritual gifts and personality traits that are needed in an individual who wishes to serve as a church planter or lead pastor. Read a review by Dr. Ron Marrs on Transformed Blog.
Dr. Philip Eyster (Alumnus)
Soaring Higher: Itinerary of a Fifty Year Flight of Faith
Soaring Higher documents the ministry career of Eagle Projects International founder, Dr. Philip Eyster. This collection of stories highlights the miraculous, the painful, and the humorous adventures of an evangelist's life abroad.
Kim Fredrickson, MFT (Former Faculty)
Give Yourself a Break: Turning Your Inner Critic into a Compassionate Friend
Give Yourself a Break discusses how we as humans often fail to show the same kindness and compassion to ourselves that we show others. Throughout the book, examples of positive self-talk, contrasted with negative self-talk, show what compassionate dialog in your mind might sound like. Listen to an interview with Kim Fredrickson and Counseling Professor Dr. Ken Logan.