Coaching Courses

Training courses are taught live online in various formats including: two-day intensives, six-week format with each class lasting two hours, weekly sessions, or individual meetings with an instructor. Each course provides 15-20 hours of ICF approved coach-specific training. See our Training Schedule page for class dates, times, and delivery methods. To receive credit, full attendance and participation are required for all of our courses.


Introduction to Coaching

This course provides a basic foundation for understanding and practicing coaching. Topics include: core coaching skills, coaching conversation models, biblical foundations for coaching, and how students can use coaching in any setting. **This course is a prerequisite for all other courses.**

Course Testimonials:

The environment felt safe and genuine, and material is life transforming and applicable. I will start to incorporate coaching in my relationships and ministries settings. - Mary S.

I have the basic skills necessary to begin practicing and to be confident that I am on the right track. - Khalil B.

Attending the class has helped me to refine my communication skills, become more self-aware, and develop a deeper understanding of my client's needs. I am excited to see the positive changes it will make as a result. - Sabrina S.

I think the introduction to the coaching mindset and the coach approach to having intentional conversations is the most valuable thing I learned. - Marc P.

I learned that coaching is much more challenging than I thought it would be, but also can be more impactful than I thought it could be. - Cory R.

This class makes me want to coach even more. - Eric H.

The focus on experiential learning was excellent. The content was rich around coaching mindset, language, skills, distinctions and models which were immediately put into practice and refined over the two days. - Abby S.

The flow of the material was especially valuable. The intentionality the instructors brought to every element to assure we connected with the material was terrific. - Cindy S.

The Zoom classroom setting was better than I expected. The interactions with other students and instructors were God appointments. The skill practices really helped me see what I needed improvement on but also gave me hope and encouragement for what's to come. - Sally R.

The practicing of the skills was super helpful. It's one thing to learn about something, but so helpful to start applying the skills right away. - Jodi H.

Both the mindset and the skills shared and practiced in class were transformational. As a church leader in senior leadership, I have in just days adjusted the way I try to communicate with those I lead and work side by side with. I so look forward to developing my coaching mindset and skills. Wish I would have heard this years ago. Those I work with would be better off. - Robert J.

The content and peer coaching was fantastic. Practicing the skills we were learning further solidified the process. - Jacob R.

It has already been a great influence on my conversations. I think it is a great tool in my toolbox as a pastor. - Nathan B.

Not having any previous formal education around coaching, it has given me a solid foundation of knowledge and basic skills to coaching. - Naomi L.

A good balance of knowledge and personal stories. Great interaction in the zoom setting. - Thomas H.

It was insightful information with practical learning. I am just learning to be a coach so it's giving me the tools to begin this journey. - William H.

I am much more aware of what it means to have a coaching mindset and what distinguishes it from other relationships.  - Emily C.

Great overview and introduction. It already has made me a more thoughtful listener, observer and question asker. - Jesse A.

It was a very supportive environment to try new skills. The content was clear, carefully chosen and well illustrated with both diagrms and stories. This class gave me confidence to jump in and try coaching. I'm ready for the next class. - Heather S.

Loved all of it! It will influence everything! - Chris L.

The Coaching Relationship

This course focuses on building a dynamic relationship with the client. Attention is given to developing and maintaining a mindset that is open, curious, flexible, and client-centered. Topics include: the coaching mindset, ethical practices, client compatability, contracting, and how to set yourself up for a successful coaching engagement. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

The ICF ethics discussions provided an orientation and understanding of what the expectations are for coaches. The focus on the client and relationship was powerful.  I learned the importance of "intentional" listening. I walked away with a clearer understanding of how to define who I am and the value of coaching. - Barbara J.

I had the mind-shift that coaching is a conversation between the PBC and themselves. Coaching isn't about getting to a specific point, but about moving forward. Getting out of the box. - Marc P.

I received a ton of new ideas and approaches to things I had and had not considered. - John S.

This class has really changed my way of thinking about coaching. Formerly I put a lot of pressure on myself to be a certain coach, but I realize that leaning into skills and what the client brings to the table along with guidance from the Holy Spirit is enough. - Carolyn H.

It's helping me SLOW DOWN and CALM DOWN, realize I have the confidence to do this. I can let the PBC do the hard work and be there to help them through it. - Andrew W.

I think this class will form the foundation of my coaching business and the foundation of the first few sessions of each coaching client I see. - Gil S.

All of the skill practices, discussions, and real time feedback from the instructors and peers was valuable. - Laurel B.

This class offered practical tools, like samples of coaching agreements, ample time for skills practice, and really helpful examples from the instructor's coaching experience. It is eaily my favorite class of the ones I have taken so far! - Andrea E.

Gave me more confidence in trying different skills and to start a new coaching relationship. - Dean C.

This class helped me feel more confident and clear about how to start coaching relationships. It was also helpful in reminding me to just enjoy coaching. - Sara B.

Very interactive. I think it helped me realize there are many styles to coaching, not just one perfect way to coach. - Carol C.

Great foundational pieces to build a good solid practice with. It gave me freedom to build my practice with good solid basics but to make it my own, i.e., my own voice, my own agreements, my own ways of building the intake process and fees and schedules, just to name a few. - Sally R.

I have more confidence in why I value coaching and how I can serve others through coaching. - Tange T.

Coaching Change, Transition, and Transformation

This course provides students the knowledge and skills necessary for coaching people and groups through change. Attention is given to understanding different types of change, how to support people going through transitions, and how to use coaching to initiate positive change. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

I feel better equipped to understand where the person being coached is getting stuck in the change process and how to help them move forward. - Carolyn T.

I appreciated the instructor providing a variety of learning activities throughout the classes. I couldn't count the number of modalities used. The class environment and interactions were supportive and encouraging. The skills practices were focused and helpful. - Susan M.

The definitions were more clear in my mind and I felt like I had the right tools and preparation to coach well in these areas. It was a great balance of information, helpful tools and practice coaching/feedback. - Deanna B.

Breaking down the differences between change, transition and transformation was helpful because it allowed me to understand what the PBC might be dealing with, which makes me better prepared to address their needs. - Adeniyi T.

The coaching and feedback was exceptional. I learned more practical skills that I needed. - John S.

I really appreciated the coaching feedback from other coaches and the instructor. I also love the models or tools that can be used as a coach when navigating these scenarios. - Kelly B.

Having multiple skill practices with different people at the beginning helps me to feel connected with others. - David H.

This class gave me so many insights and tools for helping people navigate change well. - Tanya P.

I appreciate the use of the questions and group activities to go into more depth on the content. - Naomi L.

Well facilitated and paced with a good mix of lectures, discussions and practice times. Lots of space for discussions and prectices in big and small groups. - Sharon Y.

The tools provided in this class are essential to the coaching skills and areas I would like to focus on. - Angela W.

The Language of Coaching

This course helps the coaching student make proper use of powerful language elements such as metaphors, stories, formulas, yellow-flag words, and distinctions. Knowing and using these language elements improves the coaches powerful questioning, active listening, and direct communication. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

I liked how we brought things back to scripture. It already has impacted me personally as I think about metaphors to describe my own life circumstances. - Andrew W.

The content was helpful as we develop skills in coaching and learn core values in Christian coaching. The teachers and peers were very encouraging, offered great feedback. - Ann S.

The content was very practical. It helped me to look at language and communication in different ways. It opened me up to different ways people communicate that reveal thoughts and patterns of thinking and processing. - Min K.

I enjoyed it all. I like the format of how each class tends to flow. The breakout coaching sessions are really helpful. - Jacob R.

This was an incredibly practical course with great opportunities to practice what we were learning. - Darilyn F.

Very tangible content that is easy to implement into coaching. They encouraged and informed well and gave good feedback. - Jesse A.

I can truly say all of the content was valuable and I've used the majority of the tools I learned in Language of Coaching within my current coaching practice. - Anna K.

Breaking into coaching sessions right after learning the material was very helpful. It gave us a chance to apply and practice the new skills presented. This class has given me a fresh way to approach the client and things to notice and look for throughout each coaching session. - Donna J.

It will give me much more awareness during my coaching conversations, specifically surrounding the type of language the PBC is using. - Jacob Y.

Exploring different ways to ask powerful questions and make powerful interventions in the process of a coaching conversation was terrific. It already has influenced my coaching in giving me way more freedom to be creative and flexible with the types of questions and interventions I feel free to explore. The results have been great! - Peter N.

Group Mentor Coaching

This course is designed to help coaches grow in their skill and demonstration of the ICF competencies. This course allows students to coach and be coached in an environment that includes instructor and peer feedback with the purpose of enhancing their ability to coach with greater effectiveness. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 3 other courses, and more than 30 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

It was helpful to hear other coaches coach and to have feedback from many different perspectives. - Brenda S.

Doing coaching with real-time feedback, and later peer feedback, helped me notice valuable things about my coaching. Active listening to the client, and to the Holy Spirit, are both essential to help the client grow. - David B.

This class, along with Competencies brought the whole program together for me. This summer was life changing for me in respect to my coaching and as a person. - Sharon V.

The core compentencies were always a framework and guide, but the instructor also imparted real life knowledge and perspectives to help each of us coach with our souls. - Stephanie W.

This class makes me believe that I need a mentor/supervisor whom I can rely on and be vulnerable with through my coaching journey. - Hana C.

This class helped me bring together a lot of the skills learned in other classes. My biggest personal improvement was becoming comfortable with letting the client lead the coaching conversation and letting go of the feeling that I needed to be leading it somewhere. - Mark D.

This class was perfectly drawn up and flawlessly executed. The skills practice was non stop! An excellent method. - John S.

This class will change the way I coach by allowing me to build confidence that my style can truly be my own. - Melinda K.

The gentle critique of my peer coaching was tremendously effective. This class has taken me from feeling awkward in a coaching conversation to confident comfort. It is the capstone in my training thus far. - Dallas F.

This was an ongoing laboratory for skills development and I saw significant improvement for each of us. I have greater confidence about my base of skills. I have a more relaxed presence with coaching clients. I have better intuition about what question will help the client most. - Randy R.

It helped me ask more concise questions, ditch the script, and I feel comfortable bringing myself into the coach-client relationship. - David H.

Your Coaching Practice

This course introduces students to the basics of establishing a coaching practice, ethical issues in coaching, and expanding clientele. Focus is given to knowing yourself as a coach, what you offer, who you serve, and your strategy for growing your practice and use of coaching skills. Prerequisite: Intro to Coaching, 3 other courses, and more that 30 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonial:

The work done in this class and other ACTC courses helped me step back and assess my coaching practice today and where I want to go in the future. - Marjorie Y.

It gave me more tools and ideas to help someone hone in on what unique contribution they can make for the kingdom. - George M.

Largely due to this class, I have discovered a niche I'm excited about and have a simple business plan to get started. - Carolyn T.

It was valuable to hear how other students plan to use their coaching. - Tyler C.

It comprehensively covered all the necessary information about setting up and succeeding in a coaching business. The class provided more depth and focus for kicking off my business. It will influence the way I coach in that I walked away with the understanding that I am a business owner, not just someone who coaches to help others.  - Brenda S.

The class environment was wonderful, peers were willing and eager to help each other in class and after class. - Hana C.

There was emphasis on key principles to be applied over a wide variety of types of coaching businesses. - Rob D.

The class was great for me for getting my ideas about my coaching business out of my head and into an actual business plan. Concepts to reality! This class, in conjunction with the other two advanced courses that I am taking this semester, just really pulled all of the learning together for me and helped me focus in on the why and the how of what I will do with all of it. - Tori D.

Elective Courses for 'Life Coaching' or 'Coaching in Organizations' Concentrations

You have the opportunity to add a concentration (consisting of 3 courses from the electives below) in either Life Coaching or Coaching in Organizations to your Certification. Take Life & Personal Coaching or Coach Approach to Leading and Managing to determine your path. You will choose the other two concentration electives to customize your concentration to fit your unique needs. An additional 20 hours of logged coaching is required to receive a concentration.

Life and Personal Coaching

This course provides students with practical tools that can be used when coaching clients in a wide range of personal, life and family issues. Special attention is given to helping the student develop the six basic components of personal coaching: goals, tolerations, needs, values, boundaries, and standards. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

 The instructor's "Outside/In" tools were huge. As a coach, I've begun thinking more of my role as someone who helps others see things from a new angle and gain perspective on themselves and others rather than simply coaching a problem towards a solution. - Chris L.

The whole "coaching is helping the client have a conversation with themselves" definitely changed my view of coaching and improved my approach towards it. - Cory R.

This was probably the most helpful class so far! I really appreciated learning the models and then having time to coach around them with direct feedback from the instructors. This has been the most transformative for me in my coaching. Thank you!  - Melissa F.

This class has helped me learn how to get my coachees out of their boxes so that htey can gain a better perspective on their situations land be able to find the best course of actions in moving forward. - Deanna B.

Coach Approach to Leading and Managing

This course provides students the knowledge and skill necessary for taking a coach approach to working with teams, managing direct reports/volunteers, and leading within a church or other organization. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

The material and resources are extremely well suited to the subject. - Robert J.

Everything was great. My favorite part is real life examples and stories that brings the material to life, helps to make the connection and retain the information. - Renate S.

The lessons and stories impacted me greatly and will remain with me. I will come more prepared for difficult conversations. I will consider the impact a coaching mindset and skills can have on individuals, a team and an organization. - Donna J.

I enjoyed this class very much, with small sizes, high quality content, and high standard instructor. - Hana C.  

I could see immediate applications and it completely updated my understanding of the concept. Evaluating specific responsibilities and development levels was an aha moment. I plan to incorporate this immediately in a project I am doing at work as well as consider it in my individual coaching. - Jim G.

Through the class I learned a good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient and an active listener.

I will definitely be bringing these tools to my coaching of leaders and teams.

Coaching for Spiritual Transformation

This course provides students the knowledge and skills necessary to apply coaching to faith conversations. Attention is given to how a dialogical approach can be effective for evangelism and discipleship, how coaching can be expressed in the ministries of a local church or any relationship, and the relationship between coaching competencies and Christian practices. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

I feel that after this class, I will be more alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  - Ferenc S.

Good questions for moving people onward in their spiritual development.  - James G.

It gives me the freedom to know I can use more than one way of coaching. - Josh B.

This class gave me new tools and a greater awareness of how to coach the client, not the problem. Additionally, this course gave me more confidence in my coaching practice. Because of this course, I have practical items I have calendared as a follow-up. - Sergio A.

It gave me a window into how we can take a Christian journey and even coach that. - Tammy R.

Coaching Through Conflict

This course provides student with the knowledge and skills to help individuals and teams navigate conflict. Attention is given to how people handle conflict, while presenting several conflict resolution models and coaching tools to equip the student to work effectively. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

Such great content for cultivating trust and safety with clients. Reminds us that in conflict resolution topics how important it is that we coach the client and not the problem. - Christine M.

The tender, and oft-so present, reality of conflict can be coached -- "managed, not necessarily solved." - David M.

I really liked the class and would not change anything. It's a "new" way to think about conflict management. - James G.

Loved the small group brainstorming and brief skills practice. Very fun and helpful! I also developed better relationships with classmates through these activities. - Kelly B.

Normalizing conflict and equipping myself and others to graciously navigate it is an invaluable tool. The content has been very relevant and made me more aware.  - Lauren P.

This class has given me tools to use during my sessions to help draw out of the person being coached. I have begun to explore more options during the brainstorm or playground phase, something that was encouraged of us throughout the class. - Laurie D.

It provided a valuable new perspective that I will use not just in coaching clients, but also in my day to day life. - Robin F.

I already took away some solid tools that I will use in my practice. - Valerie P.

A fantastic combination of lectures and breakout sessions. - Renate S.

The Neuroscience of Coaching

This course will address developments in neuroscience as they relate to approaches to growth and change that can generate powerful results in the person or team being coached. Skill development focuses on incorporating the knowledge of a neuroscience informed approach into increased effectiveness in core coaching competencies. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

 I now have more tools to address habit formation/elimination, limiting beliefs, and emotional overwhelm. I am confident that I can be helpful to my clients. -  Heather S.

This class was great. The concepts covered on the brain are foundational to coaching and explain the reason behind methods used. - Melissa F.

I believe this class should be one of the first classes required for the program. I will approach my coaching through the neuroscience lens. - Yolanda B.

The Neuroscience of Coaching will deepen your understanding of how the brain functions under stress, imporoving your ability to help clients manage challenges effectively. The instructor equipped me with invaluable strategies that integrate neuroscience-based techniques in coaching. This class led to a true kairos moment - a breakthrough in my own thinking about the art of coaching. I highly recommend you take this class! -  Pete D.

Great balance of teaching and practicing. - Renate S.

The information was very in-depth but was delivered in digestible bites. It was very applicable and an invaluable resource for holistic coaching. The instructor held a consistent pace, mixed up the delivery of concepts and kept us on the edge, wanting to know more. - Martin K.

The information and text for study is FABULOUS! A game changer for becoming a REALLY good coach! - Christine M.

The class gave me the tools and mindset to pay attention to the client's thought movements. - Dean C.

Assessments, Inventories, and Tools in Coaching

This course provides an overview of various assessments, inventories, and tools for creating awareness with coaching clients. Among the instruments addressed will be: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Leadership Practices Inventory 360 (LPI 360), Strengths Finder 2.0, and DiSC. Attention is given to discerning which instruments can be useful in client situations, what steps are necessary for utilizing various instruments, and how to promote effective client engagement with instruments. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

 The instructor was interactive and engaging. Now I know what to do and how to do it when my clients are looking for inventories. - Connie S.

This was a fun, practical, and helpful class to have assessments in a coach's toolbox to use with clients.

I especially enjoyed learning about all of the different tools and assessments that are available and how to implement them with my style of coaching. Alot of really applicable content.

I feel more empowered and equipped to move into the next level of coaching.

Overall a fantastic class! The exposure to so many different tools will allow me to dive in as I see fit with my clients.

I feel this will enhance my coaching services. I plan to use a few of the assessments with clients who are seeking more practical and tangible tools.

Special Topics in Coaching

This course is offered occasionally with the purpose of exploring varoius specialized topics in coaching. See the training schedule for course details. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 2 other courses, and more than 20 logged hours of documented coaching experience.

Research Project

This course is designed for student to research and explore the businesses of working professional coaches and gain valuable insight from those professionals. This course helps students learn to articulate the critical components and characteristics of a successful coach and coaching business and how to apply this insight to their own business model. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 4 other courses including Group Mentor, and more than 30 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

This project has significantly influenced how I will embody the coaching mindset outside of my sessions with clients. It has also significantly influenced how I will run my business so that I can continue to serve my clients in the ways I love doing. - Caran J.

Very helpful to put together all the pieces and figure out what my next step might look like. - Aaron H.

It helped to process and consolidate various learnings from the whole program, books, media, etc so tha tI can be better prepared to start my coaching business. - Carolyn T.

Thinking through key lessons learned from interviews and research and writing the next steps to take to launch a coaching business was most helpful.  I have a better understanding of what is involved in starting a coaching business. - Mark D.

It really helped develop my next steps in coaching. - Jill H.

It continues to strengthen my focus on building a coaching business and to shorten some of my learning curve. It opened the door to networking with other more experienced coaches. - Mike T.

I got a lot of personal clarity for my own life and the next steps. - Amy T.

I now have a business plan and a course of direction or path to begin walking. - Jason G.

Both students and instructor were helpful, insightful and kind. - Brenda S.

It made me digest and think through things in a very thorough way and put a rough action plan together.  I realized the value of those who have gone before me in the profession, practice and business of coaching. I will be very cognizant of, and proactive in, looking to others for guidance, wisdom and practical ideas on how to approach and run a coaching business. - Randy M.

Advanced Courses

Advanced Coaching Supervision

This course is designed to give the coach in training individual supervision and feedback focused more on the being of the coach. Individual challenges are addressed while maximizing the strengths of the coach. Emphasis is given to creating awareness of factors that influence how the coach shows up for the client, along with exploring solutions to increase self-efficacy and enhance personal agency. Upon completion, coaches in training should take away a rich experience having interacted with a seasoned coach and the confidence to become a thriving coach within their own ministry or work setting. Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 5 other courses including Group Mentor, and more than 40 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

Outside of learning the technicalities of how to coach, this has been the most worthwhile class for me in the coaching program. - Caran J.

Made me a better coach. - Aaron H.

This class facilitated my improved coaching presence and confidence.  -  Brenda S.

Receiving individual coahing feedback from instuctors and supervisor coaches has been one of the most helpful parts of the overall program at Western. - Mark D.

I felt that I mattered and was embraced for who I am and encouraged and challenged to keep on growing, learning...getting better and better. I can't say enough about the strengthening I received with one on one mentor coaching. This class set the stage to spring from. I am hopeful...encouraged, and more forgiving of myself.  - Sharon V.

It gave me confidence as a coach. - David H.

It has already informed me on ideas I can implement as I build my business and coach. - Mike T.

One on one mentoring was so valuable as well as our community class time. - Susie C.

I was on the sidelines as far as, do I want to begin a coaching practice? I have moved to seeing a path to navigate to begin a practice. Very helpful. - Jason G.

Having time with a more experienced coach is always valuable. - Hsiang-En T.

This was possibly my favorite course my entire time at Western. I will carry things I discovered in these conversations with me for a lifetime. - Tori D.

Advanced Competencies Final

This course is the final course in our Level 2 accredited training program and is designed to help students feel confident and ready to pass their final recorded session for their Advanced Certificate in Transformational Coaching (ACTC). Prerequisites: Intro to Coaching, 6 other courses including Group Mentor, and more than 40 logged hours of documented coaching experience. Note: This may be taken concurrent with Advanced Coaching Supervision if all other prerequisites are met. Full attendance and participation are required.

Course Testimonials:

The one thing that sticks in my head about this class is this is where I was able to pull apart some of the things I was doing in my sessions and identify the why behind them so I could correct them. I learned so much in the class! - Robin F.

Incredible! ...the feedback from the instructors in the 90 minute sessions went above and beyond what I assumed it would be. I felt unambiguously cared for in this class. I think this is the course that unlocked some of my best coaching. My confidence has skyrocketed due to the feedback and the encouragement. - Pete N.

I learned alot about myself which allowed me to refine my coaching skills. - Jill W.

I was what I truly needed at this point, a back and forth discussion, directed specifically at what I was doing in coaching sessions. That was invaluable. - Dean S.

It helped me to refine and focus my approach...make me even more intentional in how I coach. - Randy M.

This class brought my coaching to the next level. I feel like I can now offer my clients a professional coaching experience, and I have the tools and knowledge to provide a more focused and over-all impactful experience for them as well. - Deanna B.

It gave me confidence to improve, and try new coaching techniques. - Carol C.

The personalized feedback was invaluable! - Melinda P.

The direct 1:1 feedback was so helpful and impactful. The instructors did a great job of tying practical feedback to the CTC Competencies. The class has given me more confidence and areas to continue to grow in. - Joshua W.

I grew greatly in this course. My confidence moving forward is much stronger and I learned things about myself and how I coach that will continue to benefit me moving forward. - Tori D.

I think that no matter where you come in as a coach, skill wise, you will leave a better coach after taking this class. This course is a definate confidence builder. - John S.

It has made all the difference in helping me understand in a concrete way what I need to improve and how I can improve by making changes. Challenging, concrete and applicable. - Brenda S.

This class clarified my strengths and areas for growth, giving me the opportunity to put effort into those areas that could be improved. - Amanda M.

Listening to recordings and getting feedback from experienced coaches was a great experience for refining my skills. It allowed me to iron out a few issues I needed to work on to coach at a higher level. - Josh C.

I chose Western for my coach training because of the ability to incorporate faith practice in coaching.  It's easy to focus on the technical aspects of coaching while losing sight of the primary objective, transformational coaching. The instructors incorporated both quite well. - Bernadette F.

Required Reading List for Courses

Start Your Training Now


We offer interactive online or in-person workshops and periodically present at various conferences. Workshop listings may be found on our training schedule page. Contact us if you would like to host an existing workshop or have us craft a workshop to fit the unique needs of your church, organization, ministry or group.

Course Testimonials:

I really enjoyed the coaching workshops that you and the others led at Mission Connexion. I felt my coaching motor revving up during each session and I felt like I couldn't get enough of it. Thanks to each of you for arranging such an interesting and inspiriing experience...Admittedly, I was squirming while I was upfront in the coaching hot seat, but it was actually helpful to me...I appreciated your observation about my posture, that I was kind of slumping beneath the burden I was carrying and then standing strainght up when I began to declare my hopes for the future. I hadn't realized that my body was showing what I was feeling. On Monday I had a listening prayer session with a prayer partner and I have since felt a great measure of relief and freedom from the Lord. I feel more confident in following his guidance and more free to pursue his calling. Thanks again for your great help and encouragement! - Jim M.

The Parenting Workshop helped me see how early one can implement a coaching mindset to small children and how sensitive coaching parents can be. - Paxton F.

In The Parenting Workshop, the instructors did a great job of giving just enough instruction, insight and sharing stories to have them be helpful instead of overwhelming. Perfect amount of activities to integrate learning interwoven into the four hours. - Sara B.

Applying coaching principles to my parenting will enhance the quality of my relationship with my child as well as empower them to make better decisions sooner. - Jan D.

The Parenting Workshop encouraged me to be more intentional and create space for asking coaching questions to my kids. - George M.

Practicing listening without reacting was super-helpful. Making it a point to speak word of encouragement, to build up, not tear down. - Peggy C.