Hybrid Schedule News and Updates

Marc Cortez to Teach in Summer Semester

cortezDr. Marc Cortez currently serves as Associate Professor of Theology at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, and author of "Resourcing Theological Anthropology," "Christological Anthropology" and "Embodied Souls, Ensouled Bodies." Marc is well-known to the Western family, having served as professor of theology and Academic Dean at Western Seminary prior to his move eastward. He will be teaching the course THS 570 HA "Select Topics in Biblical Literature - Race, Sexualilty, and Disability in Light of Christ." The course will hosted on the Portland Campus of Western Seminary June 4 - 8, 2018.

Dr. Cortez earned the Ph.D. in theology from the University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews Scotland, in 2007 and both the M.A. and Th.M. degrees in theology from Western Seminary. For more information, we encourage you to visit Dr. Cortez' personal website at www.marccortez.com where we are confident you will quickly recognize the incredible combination of wit and wisdom (an overly-used turn of phrase, but one truly applicable here) that Marc brings to his classroom.