Develop Sacramento

How You Can Help:

1. Pray

Prayer is the most you can do.  Join us in praying for students, faculty, alumni, and that the Gospel of Jesus the Christ be transforming through the ministry of Western. 

 2. Give Online or purchase items through our Amazon Wish List.


For Classrooms


Classroom Chairs (10)

Comfortable sitting chairs for students

Rolling for use with the current tile floors and less squeaking noise on tile

Ability to lean back or raise/lower height

Advantageous for group work when students collaborate and move around


Rolling Conference Tables for Room B (5)conferencetables

Wheeled tables for ability to set up different room layouts

Key for hosting groups and re-arranged classroom use for pedagogical needs

Privacy panel 



whiteboardWhiteboards (3)







LED Televisions (2)

More cost-effective than projectors

More energy saved than projectors

Crucial clarity given the amount of natural light in the various rooms





For Student Center

cafe-tablesCafe Tables (6)

For individual and peer studying

Moveable to form group meetings




cafechairCafe Chairs (18)

Combine to make group study tables

For food and social functions

carpet-tilesCarpet Tiles | Throw Rugs (as many as possible)

Soften certain sections of the room

Divide space in large areas

sittingchairSitting Chair (2)

A specific section for sitting with these and couches

Comfortable seating on breaks and before classes

Not pictured: 5 more receptables, couch, electric poles, television

For Library

readingchairReading Chair (2)

Relaxing spot for students to read in between stacks of shelves

A place to rest prior to coming to class or at breaks

librarycartLibrary Cart (2)

A necessary item that was borrowed from Arcade Church in the past

One slanted and one non-slanted cart preferred

Not pictured: 3 more receptables, three computers, printer/copier

For Offices/Other

trashcansTrash Cans (2)

Another simple item that must be replaced

Placed in classrooms, library, commons and lobby

loveseatCounseling Office Loveseat

Creating a true counseling room environment

Desire is to get to the point where a web-cam can be streamed to film role plays straight into any classroom.

 Room usable by faculty and staff in addition to counseling/coaching department


Not pictured: 6 more receptables, desk for counseling office, desk for outreach counselor, art and other decor items, recruitment furniture, locking file cabinet for counseling office, 3 printers and a copier.

 Please check with us before purchasing in case someone has already purchased the item(s).

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