Students at Seattle Teaching Site

Western Seminary is delighted to expand its training ministry to our new Seattle Teaching Site. If you are one of our newly-admitted students, we wish to welcome you to Western and help you get started with your studies.

In this portion of the website, you'll find links to a variety of online services that can be accessed at your convenience. The buttons to the right direct you to helpful information, and the Student Information System (S.I.S.) makes it easy to conduct your day-to-day business as a Western student.

We invite you to read the New Student Guide and Student Handbook, both of which will provide you with helpful information to learn more about student life, seminary policies, and services designed to help you engage with your studies and the process of gospel-centered transformation. If you have questions about selecting classes, please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.