San Jose Emergency Procedures

Health Emergencies

In the event of life threatening situations and injuries, dial 911. Notify a campus staff member by contacting the main office: 408.356.6889.

A first aid kit is available in the Reception Area in room 501.


In case of a fire:

  1. Dial 911. Be prepared to provide specific information of the location.
  2. Proceed to the nearest exit. 
  3. If you are not jeopardizing your safety, locate the nearest fire extinguisher and follow directions on the extinguisher. Fire extinguishers are located in each building. Never use water on an electrical fire. 


  • If you are inside, stay inside; if you are outdoors, stay there. In earthquakes, most injuries occur as people are entering or leaving buildings.
  • If indoors, take cover under a heavy desk, table, bench, or in a supported doorway or along an inside wall. Stay away from glass.
  • If outdoors, move away from buildings and utility wires. The greatest danger from falling debris is just outside doorways and close to outer walls.
  • If you smell gas, pull the fire alarm, leave the building, and notify the maintenance department or an administrator. Do not re-enter the building until an administrator says it is safe.
  • If you are in a moving car, stop as quickly as safety permits, but stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, overpasses, and utility wires.
  • If there are injuries, follow emergency procedures above. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in danger of further injury.

Person Exhibiting Threatening Behavior

  • If you see or encounter a stranger who is menacing, threatening, out of control, displaying a weapon, etc., dial 911.
  • Notify a campus staff member by contacting the main office: 408.356.6889.
  • Wait in a safe location until the person is removed from the campus premises.